Morari Bapu extends Rs. 10 lakh assistance for rehabilitation efforts in Morocco


(Dateline): A powerful earthquake of 6.8 magnitude struck the African nation of Morocco late on Friday night. According to media reports, more than 2,000 people have died because of the earthquake in central Morocco and hundreds others are injured.

Noted spiritual leader and Ramcharitmanas exponent, Morari Bapu, has offered his tributes to the people who have lost their lives in the earthquake. He has also extended a financial assistance of Rs. 10 lakh to humanitarian organisations engaged in relief and rehabilitation efforts in Morocco. The funds will be used for providing food kits and other essential items to the earthquake victims. The assistance will be delivered by Morari Bapu’s followers and Ramkatha listeners in Kenya.

Morari Bapu has also extended his heartfelt condolences at the massive loss of life in the earthquake and offered prayers for the salvation of the deceased souls.

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